Q & A Session
You will submit your top questions (up to 10) along with your availability for a 90 minute block.
EI & Company guarantees answers to your top 10 questions. During your 90 minute session with EI & Company you will receive clear answers in the following way, either: “What did Emily do?” or “What would Emily do?”
Following your session, you will receive a slide deck with step by step guidance based off your questions.
You will submit your top questions (up to 10) along with your availability for a 90 minute block.
EI & Company guarantees answers to your top 10 questions. During your 90 minute session with EI & Company you will receive clear answers in the following way, either: “What did Emily do?” or “What would Emily do?”
Following your session, you will receive a slide deck with step by step guidance based off your questions.
You will submit your top questions (up to 10) along with your availability for a 90 minute block.
EI & Company guarantees answers to your top 10 questions. During your 90 minute session with EI & Company you will receive clear answers in the following way, either: “What did Emily do?” or “What would Emily do?”
Following your session, you will receive a slide deck with step by step guidance based off your questions.