You are the average of the sum of your five closest relationships.

Join our Powerhouse Peers Consortium and let’s elevate our average together!

More Info

  • EI & Company believes in ensuring home care business owners can make greater revenue and profits and enjoy more time with their family while also ensuring seniors and caregivers are able to flourish.

  • A small group (8-12 individuals) of carefully chosen successful home care owners gather together virtually once a month and in person quarterly. All home care owners come together to be vulnerable and transparent about their wins and losses.

    The key to our success? Data driven decisions. We do not allow our peers to make decisions off of dopamine, instead data is their guiding force.

    Beyond having time together to review data and results, our time is spent developing a community of support. Home care isn’t easy, but with the support of a Powerhouse Peer it can be easier.

    Lastly, all Powerhouse Peers will receive monthly consultation by their facilitator.

  • In order to be considered you must meet the following qualifications:

    1. Be a Home Care Business owner.

    2. Own a home care business that serves a minimum average of 1200 hours/week for the past 6 months.

    3. Have a goal to grow by 20% or more within the next 6-12 months.

    You cannot currently serve in a territory that competes with a current Powerhouse Peer. All client information is held in confidence. If you apply and meet all other qualifications, you will simply be informed that the non-compete cannot be honored and to consider applying again in the future.

Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.

Amy Poehler